Identifying The Multimodal Strategic Freight Transport Network & The Value of Improving Its Operation

Client: UK Major Ports Group
Date: 2019
Summary: Defining a Multimodal Strategic Freight Network and estimating the cost of delays on the strategic road and rail networks

The Question

• What are the most important road and rail network links in terms of freight traffic volumes in Great Britain?
• What is the cost to the UK economy of delays and a lack of capacity on those networks?

The Solution

• Defined a ‘Multimodal Freight Network’ by quantifying freight flows on the road and rail networks to/from ports of entry using the GB Freight Model
• Calculated the cost of delays on the strategic road network by comparing actual traffic speeds with free flow speeds and valuing the time lost
• Calculated the cost of suppressed rail freight demand on the network due to a lack of capacity
• Made policy recommendations derived from data and modelling outputs


Findings publicised by the UKMPG in January 2019, securing coverage in the national press