Providing the evidence base for informed freight transport decision-making

Commercial organisations that invest in freight infrastructure and equipment need to understand how market forces and the policy environment could affect the future of freight transport. Access to detailed and robust freight transport data, forecasting and modelling is key to these organisations’ decision-making.

  • Benefits of freight transport data & modelling

    Freight data and modelling services can be used to support:
    Projects – Supporting business cases for new transport infrastructure
    Planning - Providing robust evidence for strategies and planning applications
    Forecasting & modelling - Quantifying future freight activity
    Carbon accounting - Measuring the impact of freight movements
    Corporate governance – Providing robust evidence for management and shareholders

  • Benefits of the Freight Data Hub

    Free data - available by local authority area
    Highly detailed origin-destination data
    Multimodal data - HGVs, LGVs, road, rail & ferries
    International & domestic data – trade vital for an island economy
    Freight forecasting & modelling – using state of the art GB Freight Model
    Robust – quality-assured data
    Experience – decades of sectoral expertise from MDS Transmodal